Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

These days, more foundations are considering limited life and discovering the challenges and the advantages of pursuing their goals in a defined time-frame. But all foundations enter and exit grantee relationships, and occasionally shift priorities. This session will engage participants in conversation with the leaders from three limited life foundations, sharing lessons and real-time learning that applies to the practice of effective and impactful exits of all kinds. The session will draw from new CEP research on crucial issues foundation leaders and trustees confront when determining how and when to limit their organization’s life. Panelists will also reference other recent research into the whys and hows of exits in the context of perpetual foundations.

Breakout Session
Location: Arlington, Mezzanine Date: April 5, 2017 Time: 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm Barbara Kibbe Stacy Holland Chris Oechsli